31 research outputs found

    General procedures in diagnosis of malignant diseases in dogs and cats

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    Tumors occur in all domestic and wild animals. They are most often diagnosed in dogs and cats, and their numbers increase from year to year. In the recent years, cancer is believed to be the most frequent cause of pet deaths. A speedy and reliable diagnosis is of paramount importance because it enables the veterinarian to begin therapy and make a prognosis. The objective of an early diagnosis is to enable the detection of neoplastic diseases before the tumor spreads throughout the organism, consequently enabling the timely administration of therapy and providing greater chances for curing the animal. A tumor is diagnosed on the grounds of the anamnesis, clinical picture, and special diagnostic procedures. The most frequently applied diagnostic procedures are laboratory diagnostics, cytology, biopsy and pathohistology, imaging diagnostics (roentgenography and roentgenoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopy, computer tomography, magnetic resonance, and scintigraphy) and molecular diagnostics. Each of these methods has its advantages and faults in connection with costs, availability, sensitivity, specificity and quality of anatomic vs functional pictures. Every one of these techniques has its own field of implementation and each one provides different and additional information in connection with the nature and position of the primary lesion and the presence of metastases

    Osnovne terapijske procedure u onkologiji pasa i mačaka

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    Speedy and reliable diagnostics of a malignant disease is of great importance as it enables the veterinarian to begin administering therapy and to provide the corresponding prognosis. Once the diagnosis is made, the necessary therapeutic procedure is administered. Depending on the form and type of malignant process, the following therapeutic measures can be applied: surgical therapy, radiotherapy (radiation therapy), chemotherapy, immuno therapy, molecular-gene targetted therapy, electrochemotherapy and electrogenic therapy, cryo therapy - cryo surgery, hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy, and supportive therapy. It is quite frequent that two or more therapeutic methods are used in the treatment of malignant diseases in dogs and cats. Each of these methods has its advantages and faults in connection with costs, availability, sensitivity, specificity, and quality. Every one of them has its area of implementation and yields different information depending on the nature and position of the primary lesion, the presence of metastases, as well as possible complications that are frequent in oncology patients.Brza i pouzdana dijagnoza malignog oboljenja je od velike važnosti jer omogućava doktoru veterinarske medicine da započne adekvatnu terapiju i da odgovarajuću prognozu. U zavisnosti od forme i tipa malignog procesa mogu se primeniti sledeće terapijske metode: hirurška terapija, radioterapija (terapija zračenjem), hemoterapija, imunoterapija, molekularna-genska ciljna terapija, elektrohemoterpija i elektrogenska terapija, krio terapija - krio hirurgija, hipertermija, fotodinamska terapija i potporna terapija. Vrlo često u terapiji malignih oboljenja kod pasa i mačaka koristimo dve ili više terapijskih metoda. Prednosti i nedostaci ovih metoda tiču se cene, dostupnosti, osetljivosti, specifičnosti i kvaliteta. Svaka od njih ima svoje polje primene i pruža drugačije informacije s obzirom na prirodu i položaj primarne lezije, postojanje metastaza kao i mogućih komplikacija koje su česte kod onkoloških pacijenata

    Abandoned artificial saline pond – safe place for rare/endangered species

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    Inland saline ecosystems are characterized by very specific and unique biodiversity Still, biodiversity studies of saline habitats are mostly focused on lakes and ponds of natural origin We investigated the biodiversity of submerged macrophytes, phytoplankton and phytobenthos in the saline pond near Kikinda city (in Vojvodina, the northern province of Serbia) that was artificially made by commercial clay digging and abandoned in the landscape of the city suburban over time Collecting samples and field measurements were conducted in July 2018 The dense cover of macrophytes in the litoral area consisted of a carpet of Chara canescens with sparse specimens of Zannichellia palustris This is the second currently known locality of C canescens in Serbia which was recently rediscovered Despite the relatively wide range of this typically brackish species, populations of C canescens are isolated, and it is worldwide considered threatened/endangered and rare A total number of 27 algal taxa were detected in phytoplankton A few taxa characteristic for saline or brackish water were detected Oocystis submarina Merismopedia warmingiana Euglena proxima However, the majority of detected taxa can be characterized as halotolerant In the phytobenthic community 15 diatom taxa were recorded The most dominant genus was Nitzschia 4 species) Brackish water species were also recorded (e g Tryblionella hungarica T apiculata Navicymbula pusilla first recorded in Serbian flora in 2018 was also discovered here Generally low diversity, typical for saline habitats, was observed in relation to all communities, however typically brackish, rare/endangered species were recorded Since our preliminary results (obtained after one sampling occasion) indicate the potential for detecting specific biodiversity in macrophyte, phytoplankton, and phytobenthic communities in one artificial saline pond, we propose conducting a detailed study of this and other ponds of similar origin.10th International Shallow Lakes Conference, Towards a landscape ecology of shallow lakes, virtual format, March 1st to 5th 2021

    Substrate type selection in diatom based lake water quality assessment

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    Various studies report contrasting results on the substrate-type effect on diatom community composition, but the particularly important question is whether or not it affects diatom-based assessments of water quality. We investigated whether the substrate type is a significant predictor of the diatom community composition and if it affects lake water quality assessment based on diatom indices. This study took place in Sava Lake (Serbia). We used glass, ceramic, willow and yew tree tiles as artificial substrates for periphyton development, and pebbles from the lake littoral as natural substrate. Results revealed differences in both the diatom community composition and diatom indices values related to the substrates. A distinction was recognized between natural, artificial wooden, and artificial inert substrates. However, the final lake quality assessment based on diatom indices was more or less similar in all substrate types in our study, and depended on value ranges associated with water quality classification and on diatom index choices. Artificial substrates in our study did show potential as an alternative for natural substrate, but further studies are required, particularly in various types of lentic ecosystems to confirm our findings and support artificial substrate employment in lake water quality assessment.Diverses études rapportent des résultats contrastés sur l'effet du type de substrat sur la composition de la communauté de diatomées, mais la question particulièrement importante est de savoir si cela affecte ou non les évaluations de la qualité de l'eau basées sur les diatomées. Nous avons cherché à savoir si le type de substrat est un prédicteur significatif de la composition de la communauté de diatomées et s'il affecte l'évaluation de la qualité de l'eau des lacs basée sur les indices de diatomées. Cette étude a eu lieu dans le lac Sava (Serbie). Nous avons utilisé des carreaux de verre, de céramique, de saule et d'if comme substrats artificiels pour le développement du périphyton, et des galets du littoral du lac comme substrat naturel. Les résultats ont révélé des différences dans la composition de la communauté de diatomées et dans les valeurs des indices de diatomées liées aux substrats. Une distinction a été reconnue entre les substrats naturels, artificiels en bois et artificiels inertes. Cependant, l'évaluation finale de la qualité du lac basée sur les indices de diatomées était plus ou moins similaire dans tous les types de substrats de notre étude, et dépendait des plages de valeurs associées à la classification de la qualité de l'eau et des choix d'indices de diatomées. Les substrats artificiels dans notre étude ont montré un potentiel comme alternative au substrat naturel, mais des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires, en particulier dans divers types d'écosystèmes lentiques pour confirmer nos résultats et soutenir l'utilisation de substrats artificiels dans l'évaluation de la qualité de l'eau des lacs

    Substrate type selection in diatom based lake water quality assessment

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    Various studies report contrasting results on the substrate-type effect on diatom community composition, but the particularly important question is whether or not it affects diatom-based assessments of water quality. We investigated whether the substrate type is a significant predictor of the diatom community composition and if it affects lake water quality assessment based on diatom indices. This study took place in Sava Lake (Serbia). We used glass, ceramic, willow and yew tree tiles as artificial substrates for periphyton development, and pebbles from the lake littoral as natural substrate. Results revealed differences in both the diatom community composition and diatom indices values related to the substrates. A distinction was recognized between natural, artificial wooden, and artificial inert substrates. However, the final lake quality assessment based on diatom indices was more or less similar in all substrate types in our study, and depended on value ranges associated with water quality classification and on diatom index choices. Artificial substrates in our study did show potential as an alternative for natural substrate, but further studies are required, particularly in various types of lentic ecosystems to confirm our findings and support artificial substrate employment in lake water quality assessment

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 14

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatom algae Cyclostephanos invisitatus, Cyclotella meduanae, and Stephanodiscus lacustris, mycorrhizal fungi Alessioporus ichnusanus and Amanita mairei, saprotrophic fungi Diaporthe oncostoma, Stropharia albonitens and Pseudomassaria chondrospora, lichenised fungus Acrocordia subglobosa, stonewort Chara connivens, mosses Buxbaumia viridis, Tortella fasciculata and Tortula protobryoides, monocots Epipactis pontica Gymnadenia frivaldii, and Orchis italica and dicots Callitriche brutia, Callitriche platycarpa and Epilobium nutans are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Alternativa i njeno značenje u kontekstu poznog socijalizma Jugoslavije / Alternative and Its Meaning in the Context of Late Socialism in Yugoslavia

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    The term alternative can be theoretically interpreted in a broader cultural context, which refers to cultural otherness derived as opposed to a dominant populist framework of society. Period of the last decade of existence the great state or period of the late socialism in Yugoslavia, also was a time of frequent performance of alternative ideologies. Alternative cultural practices, which developed and operated in the eighties of the 20th century, can be determined in four typological identification models. These are: model of over identification; model of identification in the field of ideology; model of simulacrum of popular culture; model of open identities as subcultural. Since there was no alternative ideology as ideology for themselves, the research is also indicated that the alternative language in the late socialist Yugoslavia was used, and thus neutralized by the new ideological inaugurated social institutional frameworks

    Alternative art and cultural practices: the case of the late socialist period in Yugoslavia

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    Cilj rada Alternativne umetničke i kulturalne prakse: slučaj poznosocijalističke Jugoslavije je ukazivanje na značaj alternativne kulture u političkom, društvenom, umetničkom i kulturalnom području socijalističke Jugoslavije osamdesetih godina XX veka. Alternativa je kulturalna manifestacija, koja ispoljava realan odraz društvenog stanja u vladajućem sistemu. Termin alternativa je izveden prema iščitavanju kontekstualnih okvira i diskurzivnih konstrukcija u poznosocijalističkoj samoupravnoj državi ’bratstva i jedinstva’. U radu sam istakla ideju da se alternativna kultura, kao kulturalna konstrukcija društva, formira na ’početku-kraja’ velikih ideologija. Osamdesete godine XX veka u Jugoslaviji bile su vreme preispitivanja političkih, društvenih, kulturalnih konstrukcija sistema. Urušavanje samoupravnog socijalističkog koncepta, dovelo je do stanja dezorijentisanosti među društvenim pojedincima i do njihovog slobodnijeg samostalnog organizovanja u potkulturalne formacije. Društvo sistema je, u poznom socijalizmu, postalo društvo svesno ideološke konstruisanosti. Društveni pojedinci su, usled toga, izbegavali upis vladajuće ideologije, te se samostalno formulisali i izveli kulturalnu konstrukciju alternative. Alternativna kultura se tumači kao potkulturalna manifestacija koja ima ideologiju, a čija uloga je ’imenovanje’ individua u pojedince društva, subjekte alternative. U radu je ukazano na paralelu između alternative kao kulturalne, i avangarde kao umetničke odrednice. Naime, kao što su avangardne prakse bile odraz preispitivanja umetničke autonomnosti i formiranja veze između umetnosti i društva, tako je alternativa podrazumevala brisanje granica između političko-društvenog i kulturalnog konteksta. Praksama alternativne kulture su označene realne konture društvenog i političkog stanja u poznosocijalističkoj Jugoslaviji. U ostvarenjima alternative je izražena kritika sistema i političko-društvenih prilika. Instrument izvođenja kritike u praksama alternative bio je mehanizam preterane identifikacije sa sistemom, ali i mehanizam identifikovanja sa ideologijom i njenim konstrukcijama. U sferi alternativne kulture nastaju novi društveni i (pot)kulturalni koncepti. Zato je alternativa imala odlike konstruktora realnog ciničnog kulturalnog upisa u poljuljanom poznosocijalističkom kontekstu Jugoslavije.The aim of the paper Alternative art and cultural practices: the case of the late socialist period in Yugoslavia is to show the importance of alternative culture in the political, social, artistic and cultural areas of socialist Yugoslavia in the eighties. The alternative movement is a cultural display, which reflects a realistic perception of the social situation in the governing system. The term alternative is made with respect to the reading frame of contextual and discursive structure in a late socialistic self-management state of “brotherhood and unity”. In this paper, I am pointing out the idea that the alternative culture, as cultural construction of the society, forms at the 'beginning-end' of great ideologies. The eighties in Yugoslavia were the time of reevaluation of the political, social and cultural parts of the system. The downfall of the socialistic self-management concept, has led to a sense of disorientation among social individuals, as a result individuals were organizing freely and independently in subculture formations. The society of the system, in late socialism, became aware of the ideological structures. Social individuals as a result, avoided ruling ideology, and independently formulated and carried out cultural construction of alternative culture. Alternative culture is sub-cultural display that has an ideology, whose role is ‘to appoint’ individuals in society, as to became subjects of alternatives. The paper points out the parallels between the alternatives as cultural and avant-garde as artistic direction. As avant-garde practices were a reflection of the review of artistic autonomy and connections between art and society, the alternative movement is meant to erase the boundaries between the political, social and cultural context. The practices of alternative culture show realistic outlines of the social and political situation in the late socialist Yugoslavia. Alternative pieces expressed criticism of the system and the political and social conditions in the State. The Instrument of critics in alternative practices can be a mechanism of over-identification with the system, but also the mechanism of identification with the ideology and its constructions. New social and (sub) cultural concepts develop under the sphere or alternative culture. Therefore, an alternative culture has characteristics of a creator of the real cynical cultural recognition in context of the late socialist Yugoslavia

    Alternative art and cultural practices: the case of the late socialist period in Yugoslavia

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    Cilj rada Alternativne umetničke i kulturalne prakse: slučaj poznosocijalističke Jugoslavije je ukazivanje na značaj alternativne kulture u političkom, društvenom, umetničkom i kulturalnom području socijalističke Jugoslavije osamdesetih godina XX veka. Alternativa je kulturalna manifestacija, koja ispoljava realan odraz društvenog stanja u vladajućem sistemu. Termin alternativa je izveden prema iščitavanju kontekstualnih okvira i diskurzivnih konstrukcija u poznosocijalističkoj samoupravnoj državi ’bratstva i jedinstva’. U radu sam istakla ideju da se alternativna kultura, kao kulturalna konstrukcija društva, formira na ’početku-kraja’ velikih ideologija. Osamdesete godine XX veka u Jugoslaviji bile su vreme preispitivanja političkih, društvenih, kulturalnih konstrukcija sistema. Urušavanje samoupravnog socijalističkog koncepta, dovelo je do stanja dezorijentisanosti među društvenim pojedincima i do njihovog slobodnijeg samostalnog organizovanja u potkulturalne formacije. Društvo sistema je, u poznom socijalizmu, postalo društvo svesno ideološke konstruisanosti. Društveni pojedinci su, usled toga, izbegavali upis vladajuće ideologije, te se samostalno formulisali i izveli kulturalnu konstrukciju alternative. Alternativna kultura se tumači kao potkulturalna manifestacija koja ima ideologiju, a čija uloga je ’imenovanje’ individua u pojedince društva, subjekte alternative. U radu je ukazano na paralelu između alternative kao kulturalne, i avangarde kao umetničke odrednice. Naime, kao što su avangardne prakse bile odraz preispitivanja umetničke autonomnosti i formiranja veze između umetnosti i društva, tako je alternativa podrazumevala brisanje granica između političko-društvenog i kulturalnog konteksta. Praksama alternativne kulture su označene realne konture društvenog i političkog stanja u poznosocijalističkoj Jugoslaviji. U ostvarenjima alternative je izražena kritika sistema i političko-društvenih prilika. Instrument izvođenja kritike u praksama alternative bio je mehanizam preterane identifikacije sa sistemom, ali i mehanizam identifikovanja sa ideologijom i njenim konstrukcijama. U sferi alternativne kulture nastaju novi društveni i (pot)kulturalni koncepti. Zato je alternativa imala odlike konstruktora realnog ciničnog kulturalnog upisa u poljuljanom poznosocijalističkom kontekstu Jugoslavije.The aim of the paper Alternative art and cultural practices: the case of the late socialist period in Yugoslavia is to show the importance of alternative culture in the political, social, artistic and cultural areas of socialist Yugoslavia in the eighties. The alternative movement is a cultural display, which reflects a realistic perception of the social situation in the governing system. The term alternative is made with respect to the reading frame of contextual and discursive structure in a late socialistic self-management state of “brotherhood and unity”. In this paper, I am pointing out the idea that the alternative culture, as cultural construction of the society, forms at the 'beginning-end' of great ideologies. The eighties in Yugoslavia were the time of reevaluation of the political, social and cultural parts of the system. The downfall of the socialistic self-management concept, has led to a sense of disorientation among social individuals, as a result individuals were organizing freely and independently in subculture formations. The society of the system, in late socialism, became aware of the ideological structures. Social individuals as a result, avoided ruling ideology, and independently formulated and carried out cultural construction of alternative culture. Alternative culture is sub-cultural display that has an ideology, whose role is ‘to appoint’ individuals in society, as to became subjects of alternatives. The paper points out the parallels between the alternatives as cultural and avant-garde as artistic direction. As avant-garde practices were a reflection of the review of artistic autonomy and connections between art and society, the alternative movement is meant to erase the boundaries between the political, social and cultural context. The practices of alternative culture show realistic outlines of the social and political situation in the late socialist Yugoslavia. Alternative pieces expressed criticism of the system and the political and social conditions in the State. The Instrument of critics in alternative practices can be a mechanism of over-identification with the system, but also the mechanism of identification with the ideology and its constructions. New social and (sub) cultural concepts develop under the sphere or alternative culture. Therefore, an alternative culture has characteristics of a creator of the real cynical cultural recognition in context of the late socialist Yugoslavia

    Supercritical CO2 Extraction from Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Fruit and Impregnation of the Obtained Extract Onto Starch Aerogel

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    Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) have been used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation and protect against diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and age-related cognitive decline, as well as a remedy for eye conditions. The biological activity of bilberries is ascribed mainly to their high content of anthocyanins, but also to other valuable phytochemicals, including flavonols, phenolic acids, and tannins [1,2]. The enhanced stability and bioavailability of bioactive components from plant material could be accomplished by their incorporation into a polymeric carrier, using the promising integrated processes of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and supercritical solvent impregnation (SSI). ..